07 January 2014

Four Years Hence

It *has* been a while, hasn't it.

I'm not currently up for doing a recap of the intervening period.  In fact, I'm only going to give a perfunctory update on what I am currently up to, which is: reading.

Likely, this spate of writing has come from the decompress I usually need when (and during) reading a journal article.  Hopefully, I'll be somewhat more coherent at a future (soon-ish) time.

I'm currently reading on radial basis functions (RBFs) and realigning what I had read (and worked) on about it about close to the end of 2009 / start of 2010.  May be useful: reading it in preparation to attending a seminar roughly in the same area.

Edit: forgot to add that I had had a few medications for cough / cold / fever, so I'm also a bit sleepy.  It does not help with the reading, whereas cutting it up, say by writing here, is helping out, since I have to reassess what I understand so far.

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