31 May 2005

Last Minute Cramming

As much as I'd want to have some work shuffled off, done weeks and months ahead of time, often I will be riding from the seat of my pants. I have a small whiteboard off to the right and above my computer, which often is full of to do lists and calendar reminders, for me and maybe for other people in the house (concerning me). Right now, it says:

check submissions - that's for the summer ACM training
study CS 135 - did a bit of that already
study CS 175 - this comes a bit along the CS 135 studying, but more of working out a curriculum
study Java - still reading the 1995 compendium

I do plan to get some work done today, and for the rest of the week prior to Day 0, i.e. 7 June. Wish me luck.

Welcome, Yet Again

Once again, I enter the internet. This time, though, there is less need for anonymity. This electronic avatar is no less an honest application of myself as any other persona. Anonymity may allow for honesty without repercussion, but representation allows for honesty with dignity.

I am looking forward to the fourth full semester I will be teaching in UP Diliman under the generous aegis of the Department of Computer Science. We are a department excited by the changes in the wind. I am personally anxious about handling CS 135 and the new CS 175 course, with Riza Batista. Better prepared than last year for CS 130, but in many ways less prepared than for teaching CS 11. Funny, since CS 175 marks a return to the earliest job listed in my resume, one I took eight years ago.

Why would a math major teach computer science? Because he/she can. Hopefully, this hypothesis will not be proved wrong.