06 May 2006

ACM Summer Training: Day 1

Finally, after much preparation, we begin summer training. And at 8:30, how many people do we have here? One! And she's actually a new trainee!

Oh well.

9:10 AM (170 minutes remain): We finally begin, with two people. And only four PCs. This will be fun.<\sarcasm>

9:35 AM (145 minutes remain): Four people now. Actually start the blog.

10:13 AM (107 minutes remain): Reading MTG.com, I completely forget to blog. Pio tries Binary.

10:45 AM (75 minutes remain): Jennylyn and Roger try Binary.

I completely botch keeping track of time as I read articles and the guys make a mess of looking for the source of the problems. Both A-teams try again, resolving the leading zeros problem, but eliminating zero itself. Pio solves this problem. Wally tries Kalii, but only gets 75%.

I hope there are more people next week.

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