21 October 2005

Training Day V: Pizza!

Today is the Pizza training day. Today's set is from ACM ICPC Tehran 2001.

8:50 AM: I arrive. We're wondering if we can start, considering that there are rallies clogging Elliptical Road and parts of Manila.

9:50 AM: Riza goes to get the team notebooks. We'll start soon.

10:12 AM: We begin. No Booroonggoo nor Art/Eng'g for pizza.

10:39 AM (273 min): Wet gets Parencodings. Pizza!

10:47 AM (265 min): Roger gets Parencodings. Pizza!

11:15 AM (237 min): BisDak gets Parencodings. Pizza!

11:38 AM (214 min): Decided gets Parencodings. Pizza!

12:11 AM (181 min): Wet tries Chase.

12:42 PM (150 min): Roger tries Chase. Pizza arrives. Roger tries Chase again and again. Wet gets Chase. Pizza!

12:46 PM (144 min): Break for lunch. Pizza!

1:14 PM (144 min): Resume after pizza.

3:07 PM (31 min): Masarap daw yung pizza.

3:38 PM: The end of intensive training session.

1 comment:

Waldemar said...

Ang sarap ng pizza!